Fish in a Cup

I love curry... Thai or Indian as long as it's curry... I made this dish about 3 years ago and had completely forgotten about it until I saw the banana leaves outside the house swaying with the strong blowing wind [talk about rainy season in the Phlippines!]. 

I adapted it from an online recipe [sorry, I've completely forgotten where], it's a Thai dish and since banana leaves are readily available, I tried to make one.

Here's my improvised recipe for this wonderful dish.....

[I usually just estimate amount of ingredients, whatever you think is appropriate]

What you need:

fish (cut into chunks)
2 pcs. banana leaves (cut into circles, i used the size of medium plate)
curry paste (i used yellow curry paste)
coconut milk
a dash of turmeric (for intense yellow color)
fresh basil leaves (for the curry and for presentation)
fresh chillies for garnish (the hotter, the better)
fish sauce
coarsely ground pepper

What to do:

Prepare banana cups by passing the leaves over fire to soften it and to make it easier to fold and form into cups.  Fold four sides of the circle leaves and secure with bamboo toothpicks.  Set the cups aside and prepare the fish curry.

Mix the curry paste into the coconut milk and stir. Put the turmeric, salt, fish sauce and pepper. Mix all together until you get the right taste.  Then scoop the fish chunks and distribute in the banana cups.  Pour the curry mix into the cups evenly. Add basil leaves.

Steam the fish cups for about 15 minutes.  Garnish with fresh chillies and serve with warm rice.

Basil is perfect for this curry recipe.....


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